Ottawa Honey House

Know your honey


Jeannine ProfileJeannine Cloutier is the proud owner of the Ottawa Honey House. 20140705_j9topbar_profilesmShe’s a feisty and slightly loopy resident of Ottawa Canada that stumbled upon her passion for bees while taking an elective (ENVS*2210 Introductory Apiculture) during her undergrad in Agronomy at the University of Guelph.

During her first lab in the course she was given the chance to hold a frame of bees and “move them off the comb” by resting her bare hand on the bees backs. They were warm and fuzzy and moved without complaint. Falling in love with bees happened instantly and it hasn’t worn off in the years that have passed since. 

20140629_Topbar_hive_smIn the spring of 2014 she excitedly set up her first bees into their new homes. She’s operating a number of different hive scenarios so that she can learn what works best for her bees. One of her hives is a Kenyan top bar hive of her own design (plans available: Page 1 and Page 2. Just add your own entrances and roof style) and thirteen of her hives are Langstroth; ten of which have traditional foundation frames and three of which have top bar foundationless frames (from beethinking in Portland, OR).

20140702_Jinkinson4smShe’s begun conducting a long term study where hive numbers will be increased over the coming years and multivariate longitudinal data will be tracked on genetic sources,  hive design, hive health, over-wintering losses, mite counts, disease incidence, productivity and harvest yields.

While spilling her bee enthusiasm, frustrations and adventures in the blog portion of this website she hopes to provide guidance and community to others who are hoping to get into beekeeping.

There are so many things to learn and so many pitfalls on the way that it helps to find others with a shared experience. Sometimes just knowing that others have stumbled on your path makes it easier to get back up.


4 comments on “Jeannine

  1. Jean Gougeon
    May 13, 2015

    Hi there, I’m looking for a mated queen, any chance you have some for sale?
    I’m close by and can pop by anytime.
    Great web site, thanks
    Jean Gougeon.

  2. Oleg Gorbik
    May 24, 2015

    Hi Jeannine,
    I liked your website, it came up first when I typed Ottawa beekeeper.
    I am interested in starting beekeeping myself. I am not a novice, I used to help my uncle at his apiary when I was a child. So, I have basic knowledge but would appreciate practical advice, like where to keep hives and equipment if I live in Ottawa and where is the best place to buy my equipment and bees?
    Thank you for taking time to read my message.
    (613) 218-7310

    • beewhispers
      May 29, 2015

      G’day Oleg and good on ya’ for having a passion for bees!
      You’ve already taken your first step by contacting a beekeeper. The next step is join beekeeper groups whether an actual association (like the Eastern Ontario Beekeepers Association) as they have field days and an email list which both provide great local info or a facebook group like the Beekeepers of Eastern Ontario and Western Québec as it is a wealth of local info.
      There’s a beekeeper, Paul Lacelle, that gives workshops on beekeeping out near Carleton Place and the Ontario Beekeepers Association also has workshops for newbies and more experiences beekeepers.

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